VHEM Fidget Cube Relieves Stress and Anxiety Attention Toy for Adults/Children, Black/Red, Set of 2Best VHEM Fidget Cube Relieves Stress and Anxiety Attention Toy for Adults/Children, Black/Red, Set of 2 Cheap. and VHEM Fidget Cube Relieves Stress and Anxiety Attention Toy for Adults/Children, Black/Red, Set of 2 Prices in USA.
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Product Description
Features and benefits: The design of this face is inspired by traditional worry stones, tools used to reduce anxiety when rubbed, it is a great idea for a gift to some friend who can't keep their fingers still, pivot this switch back and forth gently if you're looking to fidget silently, or quickly for a more audible click. You don't have to be a gamer to enjoy the unusually satisfying gliding action of this joystick. No need to click that pen anymore.
- For autism, ADD, ADHD, stress and idle hands
- An unusually addicting, high-quality desk toy designed to help you focus
- Really wonderful item to release your body and moods, make you focus on your work
- Specifically design for people who can't keep their fingers still, and whether you're a clicker, a flicker, a roller or a spinner
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